Thank you so much for visiting my site! I truly do appreciate you taking the time to read more about me and what I can offer you. First things first-I LOVE PEOPLE. One thing I’ve noticed over the years is that I adore getting to know everyone I meet and learning about what makes you…YOU. It’s something that is truly enjoyable to me, and therefore makes my “job” very enjoyable.

So-let’s get to it. I am a former Marine. I have had such momentous experiences serving as a female Marine that I will always treasure. This life changing experience is what helped me find my fitness; back in 1999-2003. But it didn’t stay that way all the time, you see: I went through the ups and downs of life just as anyone would.

To make an extremely long story short: I had 2 incredible children. I ran a marathon. I started to gain weight. A lot of it. And I was in pain.

I had to have a major surgery to fix all of this, and the recovery was TOUGH and super lengthy…but my pain was gone. It was now time for me to find my fitness all over again! Up to this time, I had gained and lost 60 lb’s for a total of 3 times in my life.

While going through my process of losing weight, getting fit (emotionally and physically), I realized it wasn’t about me anymore. I started to notice that a lot of people around me were going through similar things (male and female) and they resonated with me.

That was my “A-ha!” moment. I KNEW I had to be better. I had to share my story. I HAD to help others so they didn’t have to go through ‘it’ alone (everyone’s ‘it’ is different but it’s all the same at the end of the day). Your “it” is your “WHY.” Why do you want to change? WHY do you want to do this? That answer is what will drive you to your success in whatever you do.

Bottom line: I can help you. I will help you find your WHY. And then we will move forward and progress. I will take my military experience plus 12 years of fitness knowledge/experience and I will put together a plan that works for YOU. You are not just a number. You are a person. Everyone is different and we will find what works for you-together.

Accountability is 80% of success in anything that you try to improve on. I can help you. I’ve been there. It would be an honor to pass that information down to you so that you can live the life that you want to live.

You should live with purpose and drive, full of health, vitality, and ability. You CAN do this. You CAN reach your goals, whatever they may be. I can help you.

In Health-Demi

**I am a certified P90X Team Beachbody Trainer, as mentioned above; former Marine, and I am CPR as well as AED certified. I am constantly learning and striving to improve myself daily so I can serve you better.**