A New Chapter

a new chapter

New Gym, Same Me!

I’m delighted to announce that I will be training clients out of O2 Fitness in Goose Creek, South Carolina. Its a wonderful team there and I’m excited to test out the new digs with YOU!

As always, feel free to send me any questions you may have about anything. I will be posting more as I get my feet wet in the new facility, and I can’t wait to share what Ive been up to. Your success is my success!

Stay hungry, stay motivated, and let me do the rest. The hardest part is just showing up, let me help you get there!


Demi Eliese

Goal Oriented Success *Client Spotlight*

One of my favorite things about what I do is having a client who has a rock solid tangible GOAL in mind, such  as a high school reunion or a wedding. I know these clients will be standouts for me because they have something to work towards and together we both have something to really push for. Whats even BETTER is once they achieve their goal-it’s 99.999999% likely that they will want to keep what they’ve worked so hard for because they look and FEEL so awesome. Plus, by this point it has become a habit and apart of their lifestyle. That right there is the REAL payoff as a trainer!

All this being said-I sure do love a good before and after! I use the term “after” very loosely because in all honesty it really is a PROGRESS picture! It is truly a trainers hope that they keep health and fitness as a life long habit. BUT! Let’s be real here…those side by side pictures to see the progress is so completely motivating and SO MUCH FUN to see because it is a direct reflection of consistency and hard work!

For this blog’s client spot light it goes to none other than Gillian. She came to me with a GOAL of looking and feeling better as a bridesmaid in her friend’s wedding. The first thing I noticed about her is her true willingness to put in the work that was needed to achieve her goals. This is something a trainer can really pick up on literally within the first minute of meeting a client. She was open and ready to make whatever changes she needed to make in her lifestyle as needed and she trained with me 3 times a week, never missing a session. During each session she left it all on the gym floor. She remembered all of my training cues as the sessions went by and she just continuously improved. Not to mention she has a wonderful personality and we had so much fun doing so. This is something I want everyone to know. You can have fun with the process! You are making an investment in yourself so why not? 🙂 I know we did, and I feel like I have a friend who makes me a better trainer because she just gets better. In 3 months she lost lb’s but most importantly lost tons of inches and gained massive self-confidence! Her endurance and strength has massively improved and I couldn’t be prouder! Without further ado…I give you Gillian’s progress pictures!

Goal Oriented Success *Client Spotlight*

Goal Oriented Success *Client Spotlight*

Goal Oriented Success *Client Spotlight*

That right there is the sum of tons of SWEAT AND CONSISTENCY INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF THE GYM.

Proud of you girl! You LOOK INCREDIBLE! 

As always feel free to reach out to me for anything, results are what I’m after!!!

In Health-Demi


Body weight training for results

Body weight training for results

As soon as you go into any store and see any kind of fitness magazine, the first thing you see is usually some buff dude in a gym holding a 100 pound dumbbell. So it’s no surprise that the majority of people think lifting weights is the ONLY way you can see results.

This is simply not true.

While weight training with with equipment is a VERY needed element for long term fitness…you can seriously tax your muscles, add some variety, see some great results and lose some unwanted lb’s with your own body weight.

To get the best results of body weight training, I recommend taking a group fitness class in a gym, or take a personal trainers boot-camp. Many boot-camps are equipment free since it would be very difficult to travel with gym equipment.  If you are in the Charleston area, I host boot-camps on Saturday mornings, and you can get more information by sending me a message via this website or keep tabs on my Facebook fitness page HERE.

To do proper body weight training-break up your body parts and THINK about how you would work them in a gym. Bench press? Push-ups. Back Squat? Air Squats. Lunges. Jump squats. Shoulders? Variations of plank movements. Tricep pushdowns? Dips off a bench or on the floor. You get the idea. Write down your workout-break it down into 5 moves, done for 1 minute, take a break. Repeat for the duration of your workout.(This is just an example, and actually how I usually structure my group workouts most of the time.)


  1. Free
  2. Versatile, many different variations
  3. Can be done anywhere
  4. Improves movement
  5. Improves relative strength
  6. Can improve reactive strength

The following are some of my favorite body weight moves that will definitely break a sweat and leave you sore!

  1. Push ups. There are SO many variations of a push up. Never under estimate the power of a push up. There is beauty in the simplicity of this move. You’re engaging your core. Your glutes are squeezed. Find that perfect plank with your hands directly beneath your shoulders (for a standard push up) and go to town. There are also tricep push ups, plyo push ups, wide push ups, side to side push ups, 1 hand push ups….the list goes ON. The muscles worked are core, shoulders, chest, and endurance because your heart rate will go up. As you can see, it’s one of my favorites because of all the variations.
  2. Squats. You can seriously work your legs and butt with no equipment. Think outside the box. Air squats, jump squats, side to side squats, pulse squats, plie squats, bulgarian split squats, sumo squats…etc. Not to mention the variety of lunges you can do to work your legs (alternating front lunges, plyometric lunges, reverse lunges, curtsy lunges) A five minute leg circuit could look something like this: *1 minute per move, than repeat 5 times depending on how long you want to train your legs*

A. Air squats

B. Jump Squats

C. Alternating front lunges

D. Jump Squats

E. Bulgarian Split Squats

*Just an example, or sub out some moves with some I mentioned above.*

3. Pull-ups

You never know what you can find at a public park! If you see a pull up bar-use it.

One of the biggest mass builders for the back, pull-ups are also one of the most versatile. They also work your shoulders and your accessory muscles such as the biceps.

How to Modify the Pull-up:

  • Varying grip element (towel, thick rope, offset grip)
  • Modifying linear movement; you can perform side to side movement, you can perform a leg lift or L-sit with each rep to also work your abs.
  • Overload the movement with a bookbag between your feet.
  • If you cant get your body above the bar-have a buddy hold your feet to give you an assist on the way up, than perform a negative i.e. very slowly come down from the bar with control. Yes; pull-ups are tough, but the only way to get better at them is to keep doing them. Over time you will be able to do them if you put in the work and stay consistent.

4. ABS!

Not much to say here…google some abdominal moves; there are so many to pick from and can be done EASILY with no equipment. Crunches, a multitude of plank variations, full sit ups, side planks, side plank pulses..this list goes ON!

Even though these moves and workouts can essentially be done for free: I must stress the importance of a trainer. There is a sequence that these workouts should be done to get you the best results, even with no equipment. Not to mention: teaching proper form.  There is a rhyme and reason for everything that we do as personal trainers. I encourage you to reach out to me and ask me anything. That’s why I’m here. 

In Health-Demi

Common questions I get asked all the time as a personal trainer

Common questions I get asked all the time as a personal trainer

Pic above is from the gym I train at, LOVE. Check out Exemplar Fitness HERE!

*The following are just a small sampling of what I get asked on a normal basis, I hope this helps you!*

  1. “What should I eat before I workout?”

-Depends on the time of the day and your personal preference. If you are working out in the morning first thing, some people don’t eat anything, and that’s ok because that is what works for them. Some NEED something whether it’s a cup of coffee or something more, but the general rule of thumb that I tell everyone is 45 min to an hour before have a half of a serving of a protein and half of a serving of a complex carbohydrate (long-lasting energy). Super easy and it will give you the fuel to get through your workout without feeling drained.

2.  “What should I eat after I workout?”

-Again this is also personal preference. General rule of thumb is to replenish your glycogen stores and fuel those muscles that you just worked,  and do it quickly. Nutritionists recommend  that  you eat a small snack of some protein and an easily digested carb within an hour of training.  Ideally your next full meal should be a couple of hours later. *Please note: many people misjudge the intensity of their workout and will overcompensate with food post workout. If you burned around 300 calories, you don’t want to be slamming down 600 calories post workout, and there is NO such thing as a “reward” meal for post workout and scarfing down a milkshake or something similar. Your workout and proper nutrition are your reward.

3.  “How often should I workout?”

-If you are just starting out:  your goal should be to workout 3 times a week for you to see results on a consistent basis. (This will and should change down the road) Resistance training should be done twice a week and the other day should be moderately intense cardio (again-dependent on your goals). How you set this up,  is up to you. You can mix it up, just remember that flexibility training is also important, so get that in there, and to never work the same muscle group two days in a row. If you are dependent on time, you can break up muscle groups for different days, so “having no time” is truly not an excuse whatsoever.

4.  “How do I get rid of arm fat? How do I get rid of a muffin top? How do I get rid of my cellulite?”

-Slow down, cowboy. I’ve mentioned in a previous post-you cannot spot reduce. What you can do is develop a workout regimen that you stick to as well as eating nutritiously for yourself and your goals. Those “problem areas” will eventually be taken care of-but it’s going to take consistency and a whole lot of patience. Remember the onion  theory. Your body is the onion; every day/week/month you stay consistent-a SLIVER of that onion comes off to reveal a better you. This is where patience comes into play. It’s worth waiting for, I promise.

Now if you’ve been patient and consistent-and you’ve lost the weight (good job!) and now you want to focus on certain muscles to “pop” you have to really push the weight training. This is where having a personal trainer is extremely helpful to assist you in muscle hypertrophy training (i.e. muscle growth) so we can see those beautiful muscles that show off the athlete that you are.

4.  “Why can’t I do just cardio? I don’t want to look like a man. (only applies if you are a woman, obvi).”

-Cardio has its place for building a strong heart and lungs and losing the lb’s to an extent. As far as caloric burn-THE SECOND you get off that stair stepper or treadmill or stop your jog-the calorie burn STOPS. But you still did burn calories and you still assisted in fat loss, so it’s still good. BUT! When you strength train-you will be burning calories 24/7-365, and that is why having more muscle on your body will give you much longer lasting results in keeping the weight off. Like I keep saying, it all depends on your goals. If a client walks in and she/he is 5″7 and weighs 110 lbs, I’m not going to have her do any cardio if only for a slight warmup. I would have this client focus more on weightlifting to build a solid physique (no ‘skinny fat’ allowed)  On flip side, if someone walked in and had a lot of lbs to lose, I would focus more on fast paced circuit training with moderate weights to burn a ton of calories. These training techniques vary with both types of clients, and again shows how important a personal trainer is. Variety is the spice of life and both types of clients need it.

On a side note: WOMEN! You will never look like a “man” (I use that term loosely because if you are in bodybuilding, then you will have a different goal that still takes a ton of hard work-so KUDOS to you if this is what you want). Unless you are doing something I don’t know about that involves some different supplementation-this type of look is just not going to happen. You simply do not have as much testosterone as a man for this to occur, so “getting bulky” WILL NOT HAPPEN. Just stop with this nonsense.  Lift heavy! This is how you get the sleek and athletic build that you will love about yourself.

Common questions I get asked all the time as a personal trainer

I will leave it at that, but if there are any other questions you would like me to cover please don’t hesitate to ask. I train in the Charleston area and if you are in need of a trainer, I would love to help you!

In Health-Demi



“When will I see results?”

How long until you will see results

This is a question that I get asked ALL.THE.TIME.

And I get it. I was the girl who would workout, eat good, and get some good sleep, and I would weigh myself every single day! I would find myself very disappointed because sometimes my weight would go up, or there would be very minute changes. One thing you must know is:


(for the most part)

The scale is great to give yourself an overall glimpse of how your diet and workout are working for you BUT only as one simple tool, because it does not give you the whole picture of how you are progressing. That number does not represent how many pounds are fat and how many pounds are muscle are on your body at any given moment.


Body measurements are more trusting and can give me and you a more accurate glance of how you are moving along. It can give us a baseline for body fat percentage, where we can measure every 4 weeks to make sure we are progressing and moving in the right direction. Keep in mind even measurements can vary in ways that are “not desirable” at the moment because it can measure water retention as well as differences in your body composition that is very common in the beginning of a workout program. What matters most is that we keep a general baseline that includes a combination of the scale AND measurements every 4 weeks.

Most people will tell me that their clothes are fitting differently and are looser. THAT is what I am looking for. That tells me that you are not just losing body fat, but you are putting on muscle. I had a client in the past that over 3 months of solid training with me: lost ONLY 3/4 of a pound. Do you know how devastated she was?! THEN we got to measuring. Sure enough she lost 22 overall inches! Can you see now how much the scale is SO not the end all judge here? The scale is just a tool. This woman’s clothes were so loose on her! Those numbers tell me she put on muscle and boy did she get strong! When she saw how many inches she was down, her happiness could fill that gym times ten. She was happy and I was so proud of her.

So getting back to it: you know you can’t spot reduce. Think of yourself like an onion. Every day that you eat good, workout, and sleep good-a SLIVER of that onion comes off your entire body at once. It will take time to get to any problem areas. But it is doable! You just have to stay consistent.

Here’s JUST AN EXAMPLE of what can be typical as far as when you can see results. Of course everyone is different; so please keep that in mind. This represents someone who is watching their food intake and hydrating properly, working out most days of the week, and sleeping well in general every night.

  • Week one: Most people start to see some change in the scale (usually up to five pounds) during this week. You’re likely to feel better, but not see major changes in your body.
  • Week two: During week two you’re likely to start to see changes in the way your body looks and feels. Exercise starts to feel easier and your clothes will start to feel loose.
  • Week three: Week three is when you start to feel momentum in your weight loss journey. If you’ve been consistent in your plan, your body is responding well and you start to feel like the program is successful.
  • Week four: By week four it is very possible that you’ve lost enough weight (safely) to be a different clothing size.

Again, remember this is all very relative and different for everybody. I will be talking more about all of this in-depth in the coming weeks and really breaking it down so please stay tuned. Feel free to ask me any questions you would like me to cover in the comments or send me a message via the ‘contact me’ tab on this website.

In Health-Demi